Key Biodiversity Areas I’ve visited so far
…and the important species calling them home

44. Witty’s Beach
Contorted-pod Evening-primrose

43. Trafalgar Park
Coast Microseris, Macoun’s Meadowfoam

42. Kohweechela - Mary Tod Island
Bear’s-foot Sanicle, Bearded Owl’s-clover, Erect Pygmyweed, Tall Woolly-heads

41. Uplands Park - Cattle Point
Bearded Owl’s-clover, Coast Microseris, Kellogg’s Rush, Macoun’s Meadowfoam, Muhlenberg’s Centaury, Purple Sanicle, Tall Woolly-heads, Victoria’s Owl-clover, Water-plantain Buttercup, Yellow Montane Violet

40. Christmas Hill
Tall Woolly-heads

39. Leslie Street Spit
Chimney Swift, Double-crested Cormorant, Red-breasted Merganser, Ring-billed Gull

38. Rankin River
Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle

37. Canadian Lake Superior
Kiyi, Pygmy Whitefish Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations

36. Dufresne Island
Pale Showy Goldenrod, Slick-seed Wild Bean

35. Bird River
Carmine Shiner

34. Old Pinawa Dam
Carmine Shiner

33. Whitemouth-Birch Rivers
Carmine Shiner, Northern Brook Lamprey Saskatchewan - Nelson River populations

32. Rat River
Mapleleaf Mussel Saskatchewan - Nelson Rivers Population, Fascicled Ironweed

31. Pine Ridge Hillside
Rough Agalinis, Western Silvery Aster

30. Marble Ridge Alvar
Boreal-Transition Alvar* (*KBA designation is based on this ecosystem type rather than any one species

28. Lake Francis Veterans
Rough Agalinis

27. Spring Creek (Precise KBA boundaries obscured)
[A sensitive species]

26. Rounthwaite Five Mile Creek
Rough Agalinis, [A sensitive species]

25. Whitewater Lake
Bank Swallow, Franklin’s Gull, Hudsonian Godwit, Lesser Yellowlegs, Long-billed Dowitcher, Sandhill Crane, Short-billed Dowitcher, Snow Goose, Tundra Swan, Western Grebe

24. Buffalograss Grasslands

23. Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area
Piping Plover circumcinctus subspecies, Red Knot, Ruddy Turnstone, Sandhill Crane, Snow Goose

22. Dundurn Sandhills and CFB Dundurn
Dusky Dune Moth, Gibson’s Big Sand Tiger Beetle, Pale Yellow Dune Moth, Hairy Prairie-Clover

21. Reed Lake
Hudsonian Godwit, Ross’s Goose, Sanderling, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Tundra Swan

20. Grasslands National Park and Area
Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer, Greater Short-horned Lizard, Burrowing Owl, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Greater Sage-Grouse urophasianus subspecies, Sprague's Pipit, Plains Minnow, Brain Scale Lichen, Desert Vagabond Lichen, Mormon Metalmark Prairie population, Spotted-Wing Bromeliad Fly, Striped Bromeliad Fly, Black-tailed Prairie Dog, Plains Bison, Bessey’s Locoweed, Opposite-leaved Bahia

19. Webb Sandhills
Dusky Dune Moth, Gold-edged Gem Moth, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat, Smooth Goosefoot

18. Cramersburg Sandhills
Dusky Dune Moth, Gold-edged Gem Moth, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat, Slender Mouse-ear-cress, Spiny Milk-vetch

17. Tunstall Sandhills
Dusky Dune Moth, Gold-edged Gem Moth, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat, Spiny Milk-vetch

16. Burstall Sandhills
Dusky Dune Moth, Gold-edged Gem Moth, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat, Slender Mouse-ear-cress, Spiny Milk-vetch

15. Dune Point Sandhills
Dusky Dune Moth, Gold-edged Gem Moth, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat, Spiny Milk-vetch

14. Whitehorse Wildland
Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis, Porsild’s Bryum

13. Castleguard Cave
Castleguard Cave Stygobromid

12. Banff Thermal Springs
Banff Springs Snail

11. Frank Lake (south)
Bank Swallow, Franklin’s Gull, Trumpeter Swan

10. YaqÌ“it Ê”a·knuqⱡi’it - Tobacco Plain
Spalding’s Campion

9. Skookumchuck Prairie
Lewis’s Woodpecker

8. Creston Valley
Northern Leopard Frog, White Sturgeon

American Wigeon, Barn Owl Western population, Black Swift, Brant, Dunlin, Glaucous-winged Gull, Surf Scoter, Trumpeter Swan, Western Grebe, Western Sandpiper, White-winged Scoter

Victoria’s Owl-clover, Macoun’s Meadowfoam, Bearded Owl’s-clover, Bear’s-foot Sanicle, Coast Microseris